Hello Dear Readers! So what kept us busy and quiet all summer? We were on Jeopardy. Taped in July, aired September 30th. Took up a lot of mind space and time.
Notorious Marcel said, “this was a remarkable example of Erica's Powers of Actualization. You were just like, ‘I'm gonna be on Jeopardy!’ And then a year later you were!” Which is cool to frame it that way: not as a loss, but as a victory for powers of Make Dreams Come True.
Next dream to make come true: write and sell a screenplay. Here are the loglines of current projects:
- manic pixie dreamboy
- superhero Brokeback Mountain
- a veterinarian becomes a back alley doctor for humans
- a cop is in prison for a crime he didn't commit, and that prison is … Guantanamo Bay
The Theme!
Good ol' Foursomes. Rotational symmetry and left‑to‑right orthography of the twelvers latticing the grid to yield a unique solution. We had massive trouble in the northeast at the end, in particular with clues 7A and 8D. Could not solve! Consulted thesauri, consulted Sweet V, consulted an anagram generator. Nuthin. Buh!
Our downfall lay in misinterpreting this clue:
- Actor who falls short of depth, they say? (4)
(depth = PIT) they say = PITT
- (short of DEPTH = DEP) they say = DEPP
Sidenote, we were discouraged to read that the final straw in the Jolie‑Pitt marriage was an intense fight on the private plane between Brad and one of the kids, and that because the fight took place in the air that meant it came under federal jurisdiction so the FBI was investigating whether child abuse occurred. Which is a severe bummer.
Anyway ok so then we were left with
- 7A) Measure import, leaving nothing out (4) = D ‑ ‑ P ?
- 8D) Beautiful girl, who comes in periodically (4) = ‑ E ‑ I ?
So then we brought in Sweet V to help us check our assumptions. Could it be that we had a busted orientation? And that the puzzle almost works from that busted orientation? Diabolical, right? But plausible, because we had done what we often do with these types of puzzles, which is solve a bunch of clues and then Just Start Writing in Answers and If Something Comes Up Busted Just Print Out a New Puzzle and Start Over. That's the official name of the method.
Anyway so those twelvers that lattice the grid can indeed work at a different orientation. But then that means two of the foursies end in C, which is a non‑starter.
Which brings us to here and now, when we were able to look up the answer to the puzzle. DEPP and PINT, not PITT. PERI. We assume that the Beautiful Peri in question is none other than the Gilp sheself:
Dear Readers are challenged to offer a more beautiful Peri in the Comments!
- 1A) Sweet covering for dirty pictures (8)
- 10A) Part of a foot (in Chinese) (4)
IN CHinese = INCH
- 14A) Running hot and cold in the nethermost, a ticklish situation (12)
- 15A) Dooms criminal to live here? (5)
DOOMS criminal = SODOM
- 19A) Property changes just before the end, as it should be (8)
PROPERTY changes just before the end = PROPERLY
- 21A) Minarets constructed with fancy exteriors (8)
- 22A) End up auditioning a role in Young Frankenstein (4)
auditionING A = INGA
- 25A) Multiple divisions make this come, or it dissipates (12)
- 29A) The second George Bush leaves New York, it's a transformed island (6)
((The second George Bush = W) leaves NEW YORK = NE YORK) transformed = ORKNEY
- 30A) Ravel opera: I'm finding more than one outlet (7)
- 31A) Buggy having a silent star's first name (4)
(Buggy = NIT) having A = NITA
Automatic Highlight for babe Nita Naldi:
- 3D) As poor cart rich off, he's got your back! (12)
And none'less a glorious anagrama, one of our first solves of the puzzle, so it's an automatic Highlight!
- 6D) Teams stay alternatingly appealing (5)
TeAmS sTaY alternatingly = TASTY
- 7D) Awkwardly said “Welcome,” bringing in guys in a row (12)
(awkwardly SAID = DISA) (Welcome = GREET) bringing in (GUYS = MEN) = DISAGREEMENT
- 9D) Is carpet bombing customary behavior for the British? (8)
- 16D) Pet old Italian leader in private? Quite the opposite! (6)
(old Italian leader = DOGE) in (private = GI)? Quite the opposite! = GI in DOGE = DOGGIE
- 15D) Agents called back about ostentatiously elegant show—it qeuires a splash! (8)
((Agents = REPS) called back = SPER) about (ostentatiously elegant show = RITZ) = SPRITZER
- 17D) Big talker I owe for The Sound of Music (8)
(Big talker = ORATOR) I (OWE for the sound = O) = ORATORIO
- 23D) Three notes that sound disheartened! (5)
sound (disheartened = CORED) = CHORD
- 11A) Pop singer about to televise meeting leader (7)
(Pop singer = CHER) about (to televise = AIR) = CHAIRER
- 12A) Some Reds wearing Spanish flowers—yes, in Germany (6)
wearing (Spanish flow‑wers = RIOS) (yes in Germany = JA) = RIOJAS
- 18A) Fellow traveler, initially in pursuit of negative feedback (4)
(traveler initially = T) in pursuit of ((negative = NEG) feedback = GEN) = GENT
- 24A) Plow maker does making noise (5)
Plow maker = (does = DEER making noise) = DEERE
- 5D) Southern meat dish, almost like a kebab (8)
(Southern = S) (mean dish = HASH) (almost LIKE = LIK) = SHASHLIK
- 13D) Novelist after part in Titanic, they say! (6)
(part in Titanic = STERN) they say = STERNE
- 20D) Final musical sections that produce titters (7)
- 26D) Frost's poetry, when read aloud (4)
(poetry = RHYME) when read aloud = RIME
- 28D) Navy man known for a balanced performance? (4)
Navy man = known for a balanced performance = SEAL
The Tacky
- 31A) Violated when rolling a joint (8)
VIOLATED when rolling = DOVETAIL
OH MANG speaking of which, WHOW what a surprise in the US political news! Not that the guy is awful, and not even that he was caught being awful on tape. But that this time, the shit sticked. It's stuck to him. The glamour wore off.
Obv we mean glamour:
and also glamour:
Glamour originally was a term applied to a magical-occult spell that was cast on somebody to make them see something the spell-caster wished them to see, when in fact it was not what it seemed to be. In the late 19th century terminology, a non-magical item used to help create a more attractive appearance gradually became known as 'a glamour'.
Source: La Wikip
Ok anyway and so now we're wondering if maybe when the dust clears on 2017, he'll end up indicted. Maybe for fraud, maybe assault. Who knows. And she'll be in the big house with the power to pardon him. But she's not pardoning no she's just Laughing and Laughing! Lighting a whiskey‑soaked t‑shirt on fire, LOCK HER UP emblazoned on it, melting in the heat.
We dream :)